Cathedral Recorded-Music Archive – Choice

Glory to God

A Celebration of Cathedral Music

Hail Redeemer!

Well-loved hymns

François Couperin

Disc 1  Emma Gibbins






Glory to God

A Celebration of Cathedral Music

Brentwood Cathedral Choir

Carolyn Taylor   flute

Stephen King   organ

Directed by Andrew Wright

CD originally issued on the Cantoris label Catalogue No. CRCD6076

Copyright ©2001 Redbridge Recordings, London (Sound recording )



Hail Redeemer!

Well-loved hymns from Brentwood Cathedral

Brentwood Cathedral Choir

Clive Miller  trumpet

Carolyn Wheadon  flute

Lynne Creasey  harp

Stephen King   organ

Directed by Andrew Wright

CD originally issued on the Cantoris label Catalogue No. CRCD6071


Copyright ©2001 Redbridge Recordings, London (Sound recording )

CD1   –   CD2

François Couperin

Masses for Organ

Emma Gibbons – Organ …  James Devor – Organ

Patrick Noble  – Cantor

CD1Messe pour les Paroisses – Emma Gibbons

CD2 Messe pour les Couvents – James Devor



PRS Music Licence- LE-0032994Brentwood Cathedral Music©2024 – Photos©Graham Hillman