Parking at the Cathedral
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BRENTWOOD CATHEDRAL CAR PARK Visitors to Music Events at the Cathedral are normally welcome to park at the Cathedral. For lunchtime recitals there is usually enough space, but for busy, larger concerts and events you may wish to park elsewhere. Please park in the marked spaces and also think of the environment before taking the car. Parking is normally for people who are praying or attending services in the Cathedral and those who have business in the Cathedral offices or who are attending meetings. Sadly, this has been abused by many people who use the car park as a convenient parking spot or who leave their cars and go off to work. Sadly, when challenged about parking, some of these people have been verbally abusive and threatening. In recent months, the Cathedral has employed people to man the main entrance to the Cathedral car park on a Saturday morning from 8.00 am – 12 noon. This has ensured that people who are attending a sacramental celebration such as Mass, a baptism or a wedding can park easily. Also, those who are attending a meeting or conference have use of the car park. This trial has worked well and has deterred shoppers and others from parking here. From the beginning of September, we are going to trial a similar system on weekdays. People who are not using the Cathedral, the Cathedral offices or halls will be issued with an initial warning and their license plate number will be recorded. If they park here again, they will be issued with a £100 fine through a Car Park monitoring company. If you regularly attend Morning Mass and come by car, it would be helpful to have a note of your license plate number in order to ensure that you do not receive a warning notice. If you are happy to do so, please pass it on to Mo, the parish secretary. Please avoid using cars if possible, or park in nearby public car parks when attending the Cathedral. |
Music Department
Cathedral of St Mary & St Helen, Cathedral House, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, CM15 8AT
Telephone 01277 265288