Wiener Mozart Trio

Saturday 16 March 2024

We much enjoyed last May’s first-rate performance of the world-famous Wiener Mozart Trio, and so we were not at all surprised to find ourselves once again savouring their artistic excellence.

Wonderful playing of three really lovely pieces made this a truly memorable evening for those lucky enough to be present.

Who could complain to be listening to Mozart, especially when played by the Wiener Mozart Trio?

But, with the second piece, the mood changed and became more playful with the very enjoyable Fantasy Pieces of Robert Schumann.

The climax of the evening, however, was surely the really superb trio by Dvořák. There were four movements, and one rather naively wished that there could be two or three more!

Our players ended their programme with a very expressive flourish, and were greeted with heart-felt applause.

We were then treated to a little encore from Brahms, before returning home uplifted by the music.



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756- 1791) Piano trio in G major, K 564, comp. 1788

— Allegro

— Andante

— Allegretto

Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856)  

Fantasy pieces op 88, comp. 1842

— Romance. Not fast, with sincere expression

— Humoresque. Lively Duet. Slowly and with expression

— Finale. In March – Tempo




Antonín Dvořák  (1841 – 1904) Piano trio in B flat major, op 21, comp. 1875

— Allegro molto

— Adagio molto e mesto

— Allegretto scherzando

— Allegro vivace

Irina Auner
Daniel Auner Diethard Auner


Since its foundation in 1991, the Trio has performed in renowned concert halls all over Europe and Asia.

Irina, Daniel and Diethard Auner are not bound by any contracts with orchestras, which means their artistic independence enables them to achieve a musically free and unconventional interpretation of utmost intensity.

The musicians consider it as their vocation to convey music as a spontaneous and original experience. As a result, they have made a wide audience familiar with all epochs and styles and all the possibilities of musical expression, ranging from the great Viennese classics – with W.A. Mozart as one of the earliest composers of the musical genre of the piano trio – to the present day.

More details of the Wiener Mozart Trio

A final flourish at the conclusion of the Dvořák

2024 Recitals

PRS Music Licence- LE-0032994Brentwood Cathedral Music©2024 – Photos©Graham Hillman